Alarm Systems for Maryland Businesses

August 27, 2011 by  
Filed under Maryland Security Technology

Listed are some of the most common security system mistakes Maryland Businesses are making when it comes to protecting their property, people and assets. Listed below is the Top 10 mistakes to avoid whether you have an existing system, looking to upgrade or purchase new.
  1. Don’t get stuck in a long term monitoring contract because any reputable company will provide an annual monitoring contract.
  2. Customize how your alarm signals are handled by the monitoring station or how it reports in so false alarm fines can be avoided.
  3. Make sure all alarm signals are being monitored by a U.L. Listed Monitoring Station.
  4. All points of protection i.e., Motion Sensors, Door Sensors, Panic Buttons, Glass Break Sensors should be tied to an individual zone so alarm points so it can be easily identified.
  5. Have the system programmed to notify you if the backup battery gets low or power loss so you are never without a system.
  6. Always get an Easy to read English Text Keypad so points of protection are displayed instead of a keypad with a little zone lights that can make it difficult to know what point of protection is faulted.
  7. All devices should have zone number labels on them.
  8. Ask if the installing company has a afterhours service.
  9. Check to see if the U.L. Listed Monitoring Station located in Maryland or at least in the Mid-Atlantic region.
  10. Never purchase alarm equipment that is proprietary to the installing company because then you’re married to that company unless you rip out the entire system.


Trucking Depot Security Cameras

August 22, 2011 by  
Filed under Business Security Protection

Elkridge, Maryland Security Systems installation. Yes this was a busy week for us installing Fourteen Cameras to help protect a trucking depot. Customer has experienced minor theft over the year but last month to the prize as someone drove onto their property with tractor and stole a trailer full of inventory. Wow, that takes some nerves of steel to do something like that and I am sure they thought that was too easy.

Well if they do try and come back they will be in for a surprise because we just finished installingNine Outdoor Vandal Proof, High Resolution (700TVL), Day/Night Cameras. These are so good that we saw rodents running around the lot at night. Also there is Four Indoor High Resolution (600TVL) Cameras to view customer counter and some high dollar inventory areas. The real surprise is that the main and now the only entrance/exit has License Plate Capture Camera that records everything coming and going in to the lot and this camera can handle Trucks, small cars with high beams coming in at 30mph through the gate.

The Digital Video Recorder is integrated with the a digital dialer so if the camera sense activity the will call the managers and they can access the video over the internet anytime and anywhere. Plus everything is being recorded so if information needs to be copied it is there. recorders can be programmed to perform all types of factions such as turn on a strobe light as well with activity is sensed by the camera.

For more information please contact us as we are always around the Baltimore/Washington  area estimating and installing projects.

Baltimore Security Video Systems

August 15, 2011 by  
Filed under Secuirty Buyers Guide

Top Reasons any business must use Security Video Surveillance to protect themselves.

1. Deter Criminals

2. Prevent Theft

3. Improve Productivity

4. Reduce Liability

5. Protect Intellectual Property

6. Manage Remotely

7. Enhance Customer Experience

8. Streamline Operations

9. Validate Alarms

10. Deliver Peace of Mind