Maryland Business Crime Prevention

March 9, 2010 by  
Filed under Business Security Protection

Crime, burglary, robbery, and vandalism can be particularly devastating to a businesses in terms of money, customers, and employee safety. Through crime prevention, business owners can protect their assets as well as their employees.

Laying a Foundation for Prevention

Business owners should take a hard look at their businesses in areas such as physical layout, number of employees, hiring practices, and overall security to determine vulnerability to various kinds of crime, from burglary to embezzlement. Once this step has been taken, crime prevention measures can then be implemented.

• Provide training for all employees including cleaning staff so they are familiar with security procedures and know expectations.
• Provide training for all employees on security procedures and performance expectations.
• Use good locks, safes, and alarm systems.
• Keep detailed, up-to-date records and store back-up copies off premises to provide useful information for law enforcement investigations quickly.
• Establish and enforce clear policies about employee theft, employee substance abuse, crime reporting, opening and closing the business, and other security proce¬dures.
• Consider the cost of each security improvements made against the potential savings through loss reduction.

Since crimes against businesses are usually crimes of opportunity, failure to take good security precautions invites crime into a business.

Security Systems are not the only thing.

February 6, 2010 by  
Filed under Business Security Protection

There are many reasons to get a electronic security system and one of the most common reasons is to protect your assets. Let’s face it if your business has product, inventory, equipment, or money in your business then you have what someone else wants and you need to protect it.

Crime cost Maryland Businesses in the millions of dollars each year. It has a particularly damaging effect on companies that can lose both customers and employees after a wave of crime. This effect isolates them and increases their vulnerability to crime. There are ways that businesses can fight back and prevent crimes from occurring.

• Train all employees full time and part time including the cleaning staff- so they are familiar with security procedures and know your expectations.

• Keep detailed, up-to-date records. Store back-up copies off the premises. If you are ever victimized, you can access losses more easily and provide useful information for law enforcement investigations.

• Mark all equipment, including computers and cash registers, with an identification number (tax ID or license). Take pictures of all the equipment and keep a record of all identification numbers off the premises with other important records.

• Windows should have secure locks and remove all expensive items from your window displays at night and make sure you can see easily into your business after closing. Move valuable merchandise away from the door and windows to prevent “smash and grab” thefts.

• Check the parking lot for good lighting and unobstructed views.

• Light the inside and outside of your business, especially around doors, windows, skylights, or other entry points. Consider installing covers over exterior lights and power sources to deter tampering.

• Install locks on Dumpsters to prevent unauthorized trash dumping, a hiding place and keep your trash from being pick through for those looking for any type information.

• Make sure that your entire sales floor can be easily viewed. Eliminate any blind spots that may hide a robbery in progress. Keep displays neat, and place small and valuable objects in cabinets. Ensure that your staff is familiar with all of the merchandise in the store.

• Make bank deposits often and during business hours. Do not establish a regular pattern. Take different routes at different times during the day.

• Think before talking about the details of your job or working on sensitive projects in public places such as restaurants, airplanes, classrooms, and gyms.

• Think about what is on a piece of paper before you toss it into the trash. If it is sensitive information, tear it up or use a shredder.

• Challenge any strangers who enter your work area. Ask for identification. Call a supervisor or security for help.

• After hours, do not work late alone. Create a buddy system for walking to parking lots or public transportation or ask security to escort you.

• If a thief confronts you or your employees, cooperate. Merchandise and cash can always be replaced- people can’t!

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